Ryan Farrow first stepped foot on a golf course construction site while interning for Tom Doak at Rock Creek Cattle Company in 2007. During that time, he learned the basics of golf course construction while finish shaping tee boxes and bunkers. Since then, he has helped oversee various stages of design, planning or construction of over 25 golf courses throughout the world.
"Whether it was staying on top of a 10 course project on volcanic rock, leading a bunker crew of local villagers in China, or overseeing my first design from the ground up, there is no greater joy than being on the seat of a bulldozer or putting the finishing touches on a bunker edge with a shovel and rake." - Ryan Farrow
Coore & Crenshaw (2015-2016) - Nekoosa, Wisconsin
Rough Shaping & Finish Shaping
Primarily responsible for the rough and finish shaping of bunkers and out of play "Sand Barrens"
Provided supplemental support for rough green shaping, tee shaping, large earthworks, drainage, and soil management
Operated heavy machinery including: large excavators and bulldozers
Farmington Country Club
Coore & Crenshaw (2016) - Charlottesville, Virgina
Rough Shaping & Finish Shaping
Primarily responsible for the rough and finish shaping of bunkers
Provided supplemental support for earthworks, drainage, and soil management
Mission Hills Haikou
Schmidt-Curley Design (2009-2012) - Hainan Island, Haikou, China
Field Supervision of a 10 Course Construction Project
Oversaw construction & coordinated plan implementation of 10 distinct, golf courses
Individual course and bunkers styles varied, featuring "Golden Age", "Melbourne Sand-Belt", "Natural", "Modern", "Pete Dye" & "Sand Dunes", each representing a wide range of shaping styles
Coordinated and developed detailed landscape designs for each course with a variety of ground covers, native grasses, shrubs, sand, tree plantings, and lava rock
Tailored detail work to each course with unique accessories using railroad ties, native lava rock and other local materials to fit each course's specific design style
Developed detailed punch-lists and improvement plans for each course post construction as well as making regular visits to monitor course maturation and oversee tournament preparations
Dalu Dunes
Schmidt-Curley Design (2012-2014) - Inner Mongolia, China
Design Lead, Coordination and Supervision of Construction
Responsible for the final routing and location of all greens, tees, and bunkers
Recommend individual Shapers for the construction team
Provided green details and/or in-field direction for the design of all 18 greens
Provided direction and support for tee, fairway, and bunker shaping
Monitored the construction process by making bi-weekly site visits
Reviewed & implemented post construction punch-list items with the club GM & Superintendent